Department News    There are 02 main canals (Lower Ganga Canal and parallel Lower Ganga Canal) in the organization and through 07 branch canals coming out of the Lower Ganga Canal, 176 Distributary Rajbeha and 812 Alpika total 997 canals, irrigation facility is made available in 8637.120 km 0 length in 12 district or Under the organization, the head of the main canal falls in Narora district Bulandshahr and tail in Kaushambi district.

Citizen Charter

Irrigation and Water Resources Department in the state, U.P. The main service provided by the canals is to provide free water for irrigation according to the standard of different crops to the farmers in the command area of the canals, so that the farmers can become economically and socially happy by increasing their yield and make the state and the country self-reliant.

Standard of service and time limit:

In order to provide adequate water to the farmers easily and in a timely manner, first of all, on the basis of water availability in the last ten years, a minimum of 75% available water is determined on the top of each canal system. Accordingly, an estimated schedule (roster) of a time-bound irrigation service is determined system-wise twice a year (Rabi and Kharif) on a prescribed format.Its approval is taken from the District Magistrate/Chief Development Officer, Agriculture Department, Chief Engineer as well as from the Water Users Committee. It is published for implementation only after the roster is approved.

After issuing the roster, it is sent to all concerned MPs, MLAs, Block Heads and through the Block Development Officer to all Pradhans at the beginning of the crop so that the cultivators are aware of the water to be made available in the entire crop. and farmers can plan their crops accordingly. This roster is also pasted in the office of Block Development Officer, Tehsil etc. and also sent to District Magistrate, Chief Development Officer, District Agriculture Officer etc. so that it can be widely broadcast.

After irrigation, the irrigated area is jointly recorded by the Sinchpal along with the Water Users; Committees and its measurement is done by the Amin. Amin informs the artisans about the date of measurement through a notice to be pasted on the Gram Panchayat before measurement. Its information is also given to the concerned block and sub-revenue officers office.out any mistake in recording the irrigation so that it can be disposed of on the spot. After the measurement, slips are sent to the cultivators, in which they are informed about irrigation and it is expected from the farmers that if the area or commodity is wrongly written in the slip or there is any other error, then information about it should be received in writing. Give within thirty days of the Officer / concerned District Collector. All these complaints will be investigated within 15 days of receiving the complaint and a decision will be taken immediately, the information of which will also be given to the complaining tenant immediately. After measurement, Jamabandi is made, which is sent to Tehsil on 1st May in Rabi and 1st December in Kharif, which is recovered by the employees of Tehsil's staff. Notable, if the application is for reduction or waiver of irrigation rate and if the crop is cut within fifteen days of receiving the application, then the application can be rejected.

Therefore, it is expected that the water consumer societies, if there is any objection, should get it to the competent authority within the stipulated time and follow the time.

Assurance of service

The Irrigation Department is always trying to serve the public. The regional officers and employees of the department make every possible effort to ensure that the farmers get sufficient quantities of water as per the roster. In preparing the roster, it is noted that the farmers do not face any problem in normal conditions and they can take maximum advantage of irrigation water, but in the event of a situation arising against the normal behavior of nature, due to natural calamities and under the control of the Irrigation Department. In other emergency situations, the officers of the Irrigation Department Roster can be changed by In which decision is taken judiciously keeping in mind the benefits of more population, the information of which is given to the cultivators from various sources.Along with this, the public is also requested not to take water illegally by cutting and tying the canals, not only does the canal get damaged, but other cultivators do not get enough water. Using such illegal methods, misusing canal tracks, damaging government property is a punishable offense as per rules.

Agricultural experts have now proved that crop yield is maximized only by providing the desired amount of water at the right time. If more or less water is given than the desired amount, then there is a decrease in production. Farmers can take help from the agriculture department for proper quantity and right time of water. By taking more water than required, the cultivators not only harm themselves but also cause harm to other cultivators (due to less water available) and thus misuse of water leads to national loss unknowingly.

Easy availability of information – politeness and helpfulness of the staff

Its detailed description has been given in para (1). Apart from this, at the district level, on the second Tuesday of every month, there is a meeting of Sinchai Bandhu at a place decided by the District Magistrate. Similarly, Tehsil Day is organized on the first and third Tuesday of the month, whose meeting is held twice a month. This is done. The detailed description of all these committees has been given in Para (4).

Consultation with citizens

District Irrigation Bandhu's committee has been formed for consultation and suggestion with the citizens in the district. All MPs of the district, Rajya Sabha members, MLAs, Legislative Council members, block chiefs, a citizen nominated by the government, etc. are its members and this meeting is also presided over by a public representative and the secretary of this committee is the nodal executive engineer of the irrigation department of the district. And the secretary of this committee is the nodal executive engineer of the irrigation department of the district.In this meeting, all the officers of the district (or their representatives) who are related to agriculture and irrigation are present, so that information about the problems of the public is taken and action is taken to solve it through mutual discussion. Generally, the problems that come up, the process to solve them is given below.

(a) District Irrigation Brothers

This meeting is held at the district level on the second Tuesday of every month. Generally, after discussing the following types of problems with the farmers, necessary action is taken to solve them as soon as possible:

Details and program of proper cleaning of canals.

Problems of cutting of canals and delivery of water to the tail.

Running of canals according to roster.

Problems related to the arrangement of canals.

Problems related to the operation of state tube wells.

Review of closure of tube wells.

Problems related to determination of irrigation charges.

Redressal of other types of complaints received from the farmers.

The minutes of the meeting of the District Irrigation Bandhu are kept in a register. After discussion on the personal problems of the farmers, a fixed date is fixed for their solution. Efforts are made that the action taken on the problems raised in each meeting should definitely be presented in the next meeting. The details of the problems whose solution is not possible at the district level are sent to the competent authorities so that action can be taken to take decisions at the appropriate level.

(b) Tehsil Day

For redressal of public problems, Tehsil Day' is organized in each district on the first and second Tuesday of the month from 10 am to 2 pm at each Tehsil headquarters. This Tehsil Day is organized in a Tehsil under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate. Executive Engineers, jurisdictional officers and tehsil and development block level officers of the Irrigation Department compulsorily participate in the Tehsil Day program organized under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate.Whatever public problems or complaints are received in the ;Tehsil Day; organized under the chairmanship of the Pargana Magistrate, they are resolved on the spot as far as possible. If this is not possible, then a suitable time is fixed for its solution and in this fixed time officers are also appointed to solve that problem. A complete record is kept of all the matters which are presented in Tehsil Day.So that its disposal can be reviewed properly in the stipulated time. Circle level officers participate in ;Tehsil Day; every Tuesday by visiting one Tehsil.

Every district level officer or his representative is present daily in the office room for redressal of public problems and complaints. A register of visitors is maintained in a prescribed format in each office. Appropriate instructions are given by the head of the office to his office/subordinate as necessary regarding the problem of the visitor.

Meeting of water users committees

According to the provisions of Uttar Pradesh Participatory Irrigation Management Rules, 2009, water consumer committees have been formed under the organization. 168 Rajbaha committees and 745 Alpika committees have been formed in the organization and the canal has been handed over to the committees as per the provisions of the rules.Under Schedule-6 of the Uttar Pradesh Participatory Management Rules, 2010, the meeting of the water consumer committee, management committee and general body of each level will be held:-

1. General Assembly:- This will be done at least once before the harvest season with the competent canal officer. This will be done between 15th April to 31st May before the Kharif crop season and from 15th October to 15th November before the Rabi crop season. The details of all the actions and progress made during the last crop season will be presented in the general body meeting. And review will be done to prepare the outline of the action to be taken under the next crop.The general body meeting will be presided over by the chairman of the committee. Officers of the Agriculture Department, Command Area Department, Rural Development Department and other related departments will be invited to the general body meeting.

The meeting of the general body can be called at any time by the President / one-third of the members of the executive committee / by a signed requisition of at least one-third of the total members having the right to vote / by the high level water consumer committee / competent canal officer or registrar or the government Can.

2. Management Committee:- A meeting will be convened by the Secretary on behalf of the President at least once every month along with the competent canal officer. The problems and plans of the committee will be discussed in the meeting. The program of the meeting will be done by the chairman of the committee and its information will be given by the competent canal officer. An emergency meeting of the Management Committee may be called by the Chairman / on a request signed by at least one-third of the members of the Management Committee / by the High Level Water Users Committee / by the Competent Canal Officer / Registrar or by the Government.

(5) Simple and convenient procedure for receiving and reporting complaints and timely redressal of complaints

Along with giving important information related to irrigation in the roster, the names, addresses, telephone numbers etc. of the officers and employees in charge of the canal system are given so that the farmers can easily establish contact with them for redressal of their complaints and problems.

(5.1) Tenants may generally have the following complaints-

The field may not have been irrigated but irrigation has been recorded.

It may have been irrigated by some other means, but the irrigation has been registered by the irrigation department.

The crop has been ruined due to lack of water.

Irrigation of the field has not been completed and partially done, irrigation has been done by lift but fee is levied for break (flow).

The same field has been entered more than once.

The crop sown in the field has been entered wrongly.

The name of the tenant has been wrongly entered.

There was a mistake in calculation.

The crop has been ruined due to bad seeds.

The craftsman has not received the slip.

Tawan may have been wrong about the artist.

The artisan does not get his share of water.

Shouldn't have a sanctioned kulaba.

The canal is not running according to the raster.


(5.2) By which officers the complaints mentioned in Para 5.1 above will be redressed.

Tenants can give their complaints to the concerned Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Deputy Revenue Officer, Junior Engineer or District Collector, but their disposal will be as follows.

(a) The complaints numbered from A to B and D to T will be resolved by the concerned Assistant Engineer/Deputy Revenue Officer.
(b) Sr. - C by the Executive Engineer.
(c) In the disposal of serial no.-T, the District Collector and then the Assistant Engineer will inform the artist about the place and date to present his side, after that the decision will be taken by the Executive Engineer.
(d) For the redressal of the complaints of Serial No. - D, the Executive Engineer will get the eaves closed by the Deputy Revenue Officer.
(e) Executive Engineer/concerned Assistant Engineer/concerned Junior Engineer will redress the complaints of Serial Number-D and No.
(f) According to the nature of the complaint on serial no. P problem has been resolved as soon as possible.

(5.3) Nominated officers at village level / block level / tehsil level / district level for receiving and redressal of complaints

(5.4) Time Table for Redressal of Grievances

The following time table will be there for redressal of the complaints mentioned in Para 5.1 above:-

(a) Against serial numbers C to Z, it should be filed by the tenant within 30 days of receipt of the waiver form. The application against Serial No. A and B should be filed by the artist within 21 days of receipt of the form and it should be disposed of by the competent authority within 15 days.
(b) Sr. No. - D One week
(c) Sr. No. - D Dispose of at the earliest by giving notice etc. to the contractor.
(d) Serial No. - D Normally in three months.
(e) Serial No. - Two days
(f) Serial Number - P It will depend on the nature of the complaint, but efforts will be made to settle it as soon as possible.

(5.5) Right of artisans to get information (if available in time in the village)

According to the present system, the irrigated area of the farmers is measured in each crop for applying irrigation tax and irrigation fee is fixed on different types of crops on the taxes fixed by the government, but at present the irrigation fee has been waived by the state government.

Whose compensation is done by the state government itself, their presence is called at the time of metering So that as far as possible there is no error in the name, crop, area and irrigation tax of the farmers, yet if any error is found by the farmers, then its Istagasa (i.e. complaint) is accepted by the department and the complaint is scrutinized on them in a regular period. is disposed of.

Measurement of irrigation areas of farmers and monitoring of other complaints is contained in North India Canal and Water Drainage Act 1873; and Irrigation Rules. It is followed as completely as possible by all the officers and employees. In order to provide proper facilities to the citizens, the investigation process has been fixed so that no farmer is charged unnecessary or wrong fees etc.

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